Watch out for angry gorillas and rampaging elephants.
Published on February 29, 2004 By kongit In WinCustomize Talk
This thread is meant to be a helper for the upcoming windowblind submissions into the guio's. I will list my preferences about windowblinds: the good, and the bad. I hope more people will follow so we can get a good idea of what people like to see in windowblinds.

the good:
1) Small skins that don't take up much space. I use a laptop with a small screen. the themes with large titlebars and taskbars I find obtrusive and I hardly ever use.
2) The skin works with it self. all of the parts of the skin match and complement each other. no sore thumbs sticking out.
3) Speed. While I like looking at pretty skins just as much as any other if that skin noticeably slows down my system I will not use it. Most skins that look good and use too much processor or memory can be made more streamlined and better. Try to make the parts of the skin at a size that is not too large and not too small. also remember that tiling is far better than stretching. This does not mean use uis1 over uis2. They both have their ups and downs. I like the extras of uis2 and usually use them.
4) Ease of use. While I like things all to match, don't make the color of the fonts match the background. Trying to read invisible words is hard. Several other things here too like buttons not being tiny and being able to see the scrollbar clearly. Think of what will make using the skin easier, but doesn't detract from the skin.

the bad:
1) over used aspects: glass, aqua, that photoshop-layer styles plastic look, and several other have been overused and I don't like them anymore. be creative and don't just do the easiest to make things. While layer styles are very good don't use the bevel and emboss unless you have too. Almost always I can tell if that has been used or something like it in another program or a filter. It bothers me.
2) Incomplete themes. If the theme isn't finished I am not going to download it or like it. While some parts of luna might look nice with your theme, don't use them. make your own. Also if you started one theme, but decided to change it make sure you get rid of all the relects left that might detract.
3) ugly. I don't like skins that are ugly. while some people might say that this is a matter of perspective I am sure that some skins are considered ugly by almost everybody but their creator. A mother might find her baby to be pretty, while in reality it is ugly as my butt. please be self-conscious of your skins looks. they are very important.
4) If you are going to emulate a real substance, do it right. If you can tell that a part of the skin is supposed to look like something, but it doesn't that is usually a bad thing. The name of the skin can often be suggestive of this.
5) building on above. If you are going to make a wood theme, make it right. Wood themes are hard. Start looking at pieces of furniture and studying the grain and how the furniture is put together before even attempting.
6) The last one: if you used a filter to make an effect I will normally not like it. Filters while nice are not very good beyond photo touchup or manipulation. since most skins don't involve either don't mess with them unless you know exactly what you are doing. Most people who have used photoshop in the past know what the filters look like, so even if the effect seems appealing to you, they have seen it and find it boring at the best.

Last thought: originality is the key. While looking at previously made skins is a good idea for inspiration, don't emulate them.

get skinning
[Message Edited]
on Feb 29, 2004
Great idea, but it would be more helpful if the judges posted their preferences... 

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on Feb 29, 2004
on Feb 29, 2004
true yes. likely, maybe not.

still knowing what people like will never hurt.