Watch out for angry gorillas and rampaging elephants.
Published on January 18, 2004 By kongit In WinCustomize Talk
did you know that your computer will run without having explorer.exe on it anymore. I didn't, but I do now.


now my question is how do I get it back without reinstalling windows?
Comments (Page 3)
4 Pages1 2 3 4 
on Jan 19, 2004
they are different file sizes?
on Jan 19, 2004
Expanded, Explorer.exe is about a meg...
on Jan 19, 2004
on Jan 19, 2004
mines 960 kb

so you just run it on the cd and it will install?
on Jan 19, 2004
No...on the CD it is compressed.....has the underscore suffix 'ex_' need to expand it [unpack] and copy it to the 'Windows' folder of your drive...
on Jan 19, 2004
960k is 1000960 , BTW....
on Jan 19, 2004
how do you unpack the 'ex_' files? (I'd like to know this for future reference)

and 960k is 1000960....I knew that, where is my mind going
on Jan 19, 2004
In i386 there is a proggy called 'expand.exe'....that'd unpack the ex_ file...
on Jan 19, 2004
Hehe...I pre-empted your next Q...
on Jan 19, 2004
thanks Jafo

so how does it work?
on Jan 19, 2004
so how does it work?

type expand /?

that will give you the usage details. Here they are in all their glory...

Expands one or more compressed files.

EXPAND [-r] Source Destination
EXPAND -r Source [Destination]
EXPAND -D [-F:Files]
EXPAND -F:Files Destination

-r Rename expanded files.
-D Display list of files in source.
Source Source file specification. Wildcards may be used.
-F:Files Name of files to expand from a .CAB.
Destination Destination file | path specification.
Destination may be a directory.
If Source is multiple files and -r is not specified,
Destination must be a directory.

on Jan 19, 2004
thanks f0r3
on Jan 19, 2004
the easyest way to do is like i said take your current explorer.exe, copy it to a folder u name (extras or something)... then if the original ever gets wiped out all u have to do is copy the one in the extras folder to your windows directory .. it takes just a few seconds ......and saves alot of headaches..
on Jan 19, 2004
The easiest way is just to not delete it.
on Jan 19, 2004
ohh so true ... hehehehe
4 Pages1 2 3 4