AndreasV has made a rockin new program. It is like a mixture of desktopx and objectdock. Right now it allows for the use of objectdock plugins (most of which were made by Andreas). He is in the process of finishing it: it is still in beta. Here is a screenshot of it in action:
All of the 5 shown are found here at wincustomize and work perfectly. Not seen is the mounteddrive desklet. Its explained below.
I am not sure if he wants traffic to his site where you can get the beta so I haven't included the link. I will if he doesn't mind.
Its not finished yet so it still lacks some of the functionality. But here is a list of what it can do. All of the desklets can be positioned at any point on the screen and at any size. They are independent of each other. He also has a sample docklet that displays when a drive has been mounted. For instance it will only appear when you have inserted a cd. I can't wait for this to be finished. Bravo to Andreas
And I hope you don't mind me posting this here Andreas