Watch out for angry gorillas and rampaging elephants.
Published on November 10, 2004 By kongit In OS Customization
Well today I tried to make a little widget for desktopx that would show how many unread emails I have on my email account. So I start looking around the web for some source that would enlighten me on how to access gmail. The best source I found was in a konfabulator object (which I can't get to work in the windows the source might be sour grapes all together). I opened up the widget to find out what makes it tick. A javascript file and two php files along with the main konfab xml file. I don't understand php at all, and I have little intention of learning it right now, but I looked around in the php files. It turns out that the php files are what actually access gmail and get your email count. But I haven't found away to get it to work yet. I guess I am just SOL right now.
on Nov 10, 2004
You need to go to the php website and download and install php on to your PC.
on Nov 10, 2004
I have a little experience with php. Send me the code and I can task a look at it.

never mind I went ahead an downloaded it and will pick through it
on Nov 10, 2004
You may want to look into the RSS feed that gmail has and use that xml document. Would be a lot easier than that whole php/curl thing.


Take the space out after the // and replace the username and password to get into the individual mailbox
Hope that helps.
on Nov 10, 2004
I already installed php on my computer. thanks though woodbridge

and thanks for that rss link buck2bcr. I am going to look into it. It looks very promising.
on Nov 10, 2004
Gmail has a downloadable notifier now. Is there a way you could either use/modify that or look at how it works to build what you want? I am not very programming literate, so I really don't know if that may be an ignorant comment/question.
on Nov 10, 2004
I have the notifier, but I got that rss feed to work. What I need is a tester. Anybody with a gmail account and desktopx want to test this for me? email me if you do.
on Apr 30, 2006
another bot resurrected thread.